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Tag: feeds rss

Removing external feeds from your WordPress dashboard

Some time ago I developed a simple plugin named Dashboard Fitness for my own use that simply makes one thing; remove the Automattic feeds from my WordPress dashboard.

I hate to have those feeds loading in my dashboard, because I have they already in my feed reader, so there is no need for me to make my dashboard wait to load the feeds everytime I access to my blog.

And now, with the release of WordPress 2.5 it gets even more annoying, not only showing developer blog and wordpress planet feeds but showing extend plugins too…

So I decided to upgrade my plugin and release it.

The plugin itself is very simple. Has no options to setup, simply upload to your plugins dir and activate it.

After that, in your dashboard page, you’ll only see your blog stats (the ones provided by the WP core) and the incoming links. So it removes:

In WP 2.3: Developer blog and WordPress planet feeds.

In WP 2.5: The same than above plus the Extend Plugins feed.

Feedburner Feed Replacement traducido al español

Si usas Feedburner para el feed rss de tu blog de WordPress, es muy posible que te interese redireccionar a los lectores de tu blog al feed que proporciona Feedburner (por las funciones añadidas que aporta, claro).

Sin embargo, es posible que algún día dejes de usar Feedburner… por lo que seguramente tampoco querrás sustituir la dirección de tus feeds “a mano” en el theme de WP (aparte de lo incómodo que puede resultar si actualizas la versión del theme).

Para eso existe el plugin Feedburner Feed Replacement un plugin que redirigirá automáticamente la dirección oficial del feed de tu blog al feed de Feedburner.

De esta manera, tus usuarios pueden agregar la dirección ‘’ a su lector de feeds, y sin que esta cambie, recibirán el contenido de la dirección de Feedburner para tu blog ‘’.

© 2007-2025 Samuel Aguilera