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Embedded Video supporting

Recently I modified a bit the great Embedded Video with Link WordPress plugin for supporting video from site.

I made this in latest Chrishmas for my personal use until the next release of this plugin get published (hoping that will be included). But after leaving a comment requesting this an user ask me about sharing this modified version.

So, although is only the same than the 3.4 version of the plugin with an extra few lines for including in the list of supported video sites, maybe some people can enjoy using this.

For use it you must only download the included file in this post and upload the two files that you may find in the zip file into your embedded-video directory (remember to make a backup of your original files first).

Download Embedded Video with Link including support for videos.

Once installed these files, you can insert videos using the common way for this plugin, the code for the video that you want to insert is in the “embbed this video” code in the site. Look for an URL like this:

And simply use the “NDMzOTE4” part to insert in Embedded plugin window.

Note: I dont use the “add link” option when using the plugin, and has different URLs for linking and embedding videos that must require a more sophisticated programming, so the support that I have added to the plugin, is only about embedding videos and not to include direct link below of the embedded video.

Dont expect any support or new version of this, it’s only a “little hack” to a plugin.

Published inPluginsWordPress

One Comment

  1. Bierfles Bierfles

    Thanx man!

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