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Shorten2Ping will not support OAuth

Tomorrow is the deadline set by Twitter to stop allowing any other auth method than OAuth for third party apps, that includes WordPress plugins like Shorten2Ping.

I’m not familiarized with OAuth, and at present I don’t have time nor any motivation to add support for OAuth in Shorten2Ping, this plugin is only a personal project that I share with you all and I’m fine using a account to spread my blog’s updates.

I think that the 99% of Shorten2Ping users are using a account to make the updates, so this notice will be not a problem for they. If you are one of the 1% that are using the direct Twitter update with my plugin, I’m so sorry, but I’m sure that you’ll find any other Twitter WordPress plugin that will fit your needs.

If you want to continue using Shorten2Ping and don’t have already a account, simply create one :) it’s free, easy, and very useful.

Anyway, if any developer wants to contribute to Shorten2Ping adding OAuth support, I’ll be pleased to merge it in the official release and credit him (or her ;) ) for the contribution.

Published inPluginsWordPress


  1. Ronald Wiplinger Ronald Wiplinger


    I have used shorten2ping for a week and worked fine. At the time with the upgrade this week I noticed that notifications to PING.FM are not complete anymore.

    My setting is: A new blog entry: [title] [link], ([tags])
    However only A new blog entry: [title] , ([tags])
    Note, the coma is there, just not anymore [link]

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