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Shorten2Ping 1.3 released

Here’s my christmas present for all of you! ;)

Version 1.3 of Shorten2Ping is available for download…

The following changes have been made in Shorten2Ping 1.3:

  • Added a function to remove the new shortlink creation functions present in stats plugin (if you’re using Shorten2Ping you dont need support for short links).
  • Improved Facebook support: Now if you upload and insert an image in your post, Shorten2Ping will add the needed tag in your post code to tell Facebook to take this image for the preview and not the first image in your page’s code like used to be before. If you want to force the use of an image, you can add a new custom field to the post named ‘fb_img‘ and put the full URL to the image in the value for this custom field.
  • Added function to remove HTML tags (if any) from post titles before sending notifications.
  • Updated compatibility tag to WordPress 2.9.

You can install it from your WordPress dashboard or download Shorten2Ping from WordPress extend directory and install it manually.

If you want to know more about Shorten2Ping visit the Shorten2Ping official homepage. If you need support post a new topic at WordPress forums and tag it with shorten2ping tag. I’m subscribed to that tag by rss, so I will see your post.

By the way… if you like my plugin, please rate it at WordPress extend directory, make a post spreading the word about my plugin, or make a donation. Any of these things will make me happy and give some motivation to improve the plugin ;)

Published inPluginsWordPress


  1. Lopo Lencastre de Almeida Lopo Lencastre de Almeida

    First, thanks for your easy to use plugin and for sharing it with the people.

    I have made a patch to allow multi-user blogs with different Ping.FM accounts to work with your plugin. When upgrading forgot to re-patch it and now I must re-add the code.

    Do you want me to send to you the patch for 1.3 ASAP so you can add it to a next version?

    If so just send me an email. You got it now :)

  2. Frank Dobner Frank Dobner


    I tries Short2Ping today for the first time and the message fired off as it should. But when I checked out Facebook, I found out that the link of my post was not included. I am wondering if there needs to be quotation marks (” “) around the strong [link] in the Status Message options setting? Here is what this setting is at when I loaded Shorten2Ping today:

    New post, “[title]” – [link]

    Thanks for your help


    • Samuel Samuel

      @Frank: Please, for support use WordPress forums as described in the post.

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