If you use WordPress (self hosted version), Ping.fm and Bit.ly. You’re lucky today :)
I just released Shorten2Ping, a new plugin for WordPress that automatically sends status updates to Ping.fm using your personalized message and shortening the permalink of the post using Bit.ly.
This way, your WordPress installation notifies to Ping.fm about the new post, and Ping.fm spreads the same to Twitter, Facebook, and all networks configured in your Ping.fm profile :D
For me this’s a great way to spread my new blog posts without having to login in many different networks. And it’s true that I found some other plugins for the WordPress+Ping.fm integration, but honestly I thing thar they’re too big and complicated for my needs, and none of them have Bit.ly integration. So I have decided to share my little simple plugin with everyone who find it useful. The plugin is licensed under the GPL v3, so feel free to improve it by yourself (and share the improvements! ;)).
Some Shorten2Ping features:
- Avoids to ping again when editing previously pinged post or even when editing an old post not pinged before.
- Option to choose between Ping.fm or Twitter for new post notifications.
- Option to choose between bit.ly, tr.im, YOURLS, su.pr, is.gd, j.mp, wp.me, cli.gs or even you own domain for shortened permalinks.
- Option to turn off notification or shortener service. Now you can use Shorten2Ping only for notification if your domain is already short enough for you, or use only to get shortened urls for your posts.
- Stores created shortened permalink in a post meta field (used for template integration).
- Using
like in wp.me http://wp.me/sf2B5-shorten, creating auto-discovery link tag for the short link on single post page header. - You can use a template tag for showing visitors the short URL (using the same rel attribute as above for the shortened permalink).
- Locale support. Now available in English, Spanish, Italian and Traditional Chinese (zh_TW). See translation section for more info.
- WPMU compatible (you can have different settings for each blog).
- Simple, fast, and useful :)
- PHP 5.x with CURL and JSON enabled (maybe works too in PHP4, but not tested and not supported by me).
- WordPress 2.7.x or higher (maybe would work on older WP, but not tested and not supported by me).
- Required your own account for the third party services that you want to use.
- Not tested and not supported on IIS servers.
You can download Shorten2Ping from WordPress extend directory and begin to forget about notifying your new blog posts manually in different social networks.
If you like this plugin, please rate it at WordPress.org extend directory, or make some donation. It’ll motivate me to improve the plugin ;)
NOTE: Shorten2Ping is not affiliated in any way with Ping.fm, Bit.ly, Tr.im or any other shortener site. This is only a personal project.
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
muy bueno – lo agradezco
@the_guv: me alegro de que te guste. muy chulo y original el diseño de tu web por cierto ;)
Hi Samuel, I am trying to use your plugin, but it’s giving me errors. When I publish the page, it takes me to a list of error warnings, all going back to line 271 in shorten2ping.php. When I click the back button, the post has been published, and it has been pinged, but with an incomplete bit.ly url (basically just going straight to bit.ly main page), like this http://bit.ly/ (it’s missing the shortening code after that)
I have set up my options with the API keys.
Here are the errors I get
Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 6: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: hr line 5 and body in /path/wp-content/plugins/shorten2ping/shorten2ping.php on line 271
[… edited by admin]
Where can I start looking to fix these errors? I had to ping twice with an apology to the readers… Thanks!
@palma: Hi!, thanks for your comment.
In fact, there are no errors, those warning messages appears to be because Bit.ly is returning to you a web page and not XML data that the plugin needs to process your short URL. Please, double check your Bit.ly API key in the Shorten2Ping options page (Important!: put API key, not user password).
@Samuel – Thank you for your reply! I have double checked, and the bit.ly API key for my account was correct (I put the one indicated in my bit.ly “account settings” ). It’s odd, because everything else works, even the custom fields are created… Wondering if there is a possible plugin conflict that affects the XML data…
@Palma: Have you checked if the Bit.ly url was created at bit.ly?. If the link was created at Bit.ly (so you can see it on your Bit.ly dashboard), then the plugin was successful to create the link and the problem is on the data returned by Bit.ly site. If the link was not created, then there’s some problem with your user data… (you can try to reset API key too, this will generate a new Bit.ly API key).
Anyway, we can try to change the processing method, go to line 253 of shorten2ping.php file, you should see this
function make_bitly_url($url, $login, $appkey, $format='xml', $history=1, $version='2.0.1')
. Change$format='xml'
and tell if it works. This changes the method for processing data from Bit.ly.@Samuel – No, there is no link created on my bit.ly dashboard, just checked. Even in the custom field on my post, the url is the generic bit.ly – I will do what you suggest, starting with resetting the API key. I will let you know, and thank you for your help!
@Samuel – Letting you know that everything is working fine now!!! Though the previous API key matched (it was a copy and paste), somehow simply resetting the API key to something else, did it. No changes to the code needed. I am really happy, love your plugin. Going to rate it right now. Thank you so much for your help, again!
@Palma: You’re welcome. I’m glad to know that all is working fine for you now :) I’m thinking to do some little improvements for the next version and adding support for Tr.im service, it will be ready very soon.
Where is it meant to save the settings (bit.ly account API key, ping.fm key, etc)?
I am unable to get any changes I make to stick. Should it be saving in the wp_options table, or should it be writing it into the shorten2ping.php file directly, or …?
PS – Once I get this working I am going to add hashtags for the ping (they don’t mean much in Facebook, MySpace, etc, but can be important in Twitter)
Adding these is simple –
$post_url = get_permalink($post_id);
$post_title = get_the_title($post_id);
// --- add some tag bits here ------ //
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post_id);
$my_tag_list = '';
if ($tags) {
foreach ($tags as $j=>$tag) {
$my_tag_list .= '#'.$tag->slug.' ';
// --- back to regular processing ----- //
// --- cut for brevity ----- //
//get message from settings and process title and link
$message = $s2p_options['message'];
$message = str_replace('[title]', $post_title, $message);
$message = str_replace('[link]', $short_url, $message);
// --- add the tags ----- //
// --- ToDo: determine length and truncate Title(?) or Tags in order to fit in Twitter post //
$message = str_replace('[tags]', $my_tag_list, $message);
Settings are saved using WordPress options functions, anyone have reported problems about that until now… it’s very strange that’s happening to you.
Anyway, options are saved on wp_options table, you would find an array named ‘shorten2ping_options’ containing all options.
Thanks for your suggestion about using post tags for hashtags on twitter. I’ll think about including it for the next version.
I don’t see any option with that name in the wp_options table. I can try uninstalling and re-installing to see if that works.
Hmm – installing it manually did not work (which is what I usually do, so I tried installing from the admin panel and it worked fine.
Strange, but, at least now it is working!
Strange thing yeah… because the activation process is the same, no matter if manual installation or directly from WP…
I’m glad to know it’s working for you now ;)
[…] 09/05/20 Notify your blog posts to Twitter, Facebook, Linkedid and others at once […]
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
[…] This post was Twitted by DuVash – Real-url.org […]
Hi Samuel,
I have two small feature requests: First an option for not sending updates to Twitter on a per post basis (like in “Twitter Tools”).
Second, don’t send updates to twitter when updating a post.
I recently updated a lot of old posts that hadn’t been sent to twitter by your plugin, resulting in a lot of unnecessary tweets.
If you could test the state change from “unpublished” to “published” instead of just “save” and “haven’t pinged before” that would be great.
Best regards,
@David: Thanks for your comment. I’ll keep in mind your requests. Maybe you can see some of them pretty soon ;)
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
An update: The saving of options is working, but whenever I post I get a blank page and no bit.ly links are created and no post to ping.fm – There is nothing in my error logs.
Very strange.
I tried putting in some explicit error messages at probable failure points but got nothing back there either. Any hints on where to look next in the bug hunt?
@Sjan: I think that the problem is at your host (have you tried it on another server or blog?, have you tried to disable all plugins except this one and see what happens?). The plugin code is very simple as you can see and has been fully tested on many sites, mine and for clients too, before released it.
It would be fine for you too if the requirements are present. WordPress 2.7.x (tested up to 2.8beta2) and PHP 5.x (all sites while testing running 5.2.5) with CURL enabled for your domain.
A blank screen without any result on the post, only suggest me that some requirement is not present and your hosting has PHP error report disabled. Or a conflict with another plugin may be present.
Anyway, if you like to give me admin access to your blog, I can try to make some research looking for the problem.
I have been through the entire gamut of debugging so far. I have disabled all plugins except this, I have verified that curl is enabled. I host my own server so I have complete control over the entire setup. display_errors is off but log_errors is on – and nothing is showing up in the logs. I did change the php.ini briefly to display_errors on, reloaded apache and tried again. Still nothing but a blank page.
PHP version is 5.2.9, libcurl version is 7.19.4, and OpenSSL version is 0.9.8k. I am going to try recompiling with curlwrappers and see if that makes a difference. I really am determined to get this working. ;)
It is now getting so far as creating the bit.ly url – that is showing up in my bit.ly dashboard now. So I know that it is at least making it that far. I have reset my ping API key and changed it in the options hoping that it might be something that simple holding things up, but no luck.
I think my next step my be to write some explicit trigger_error() statements to force error output to the logs. I will keep you posted.
Actually you can disregard my previous message – I found the failure point – it is at the line
$json = @json_decode($response,true);
It turns out that I had php compiled with –disable-json, and since that was swallowing errors with the @ the error was never showing up.
I re-compiled PHP with json support and all is well now. It works like a dream!
Thanks again for your quick responses and helpfulness. And it really is a kick-butt idea!
PS – If you would like I can send you a copy of the file I am using with the tagging code in place.
@Sjan: I’m happy to see that finally you found the problem :)
About your tagging mod, sure!, send me to [email protected] I’ll do some testing and almost for sure include it for the next version ;)
The released version has an echo statement in it showing the response from tr.im which prevents redirection to the subsequent page after posting.
Removing the echo statement solves the problem.
@datashaman: Thank you very much for pointing about the echo at the tr.im function, I forgot to remove it while debugging… now it’s updated on the server (new downloads will be ok).
About private post, on my tests no private post where pinged. Anyway, I have changed in the development version the way of calling main Shorten2Ping function, so this way it would solve the editing post that where published before activating the plugin…
If you want, you can try the trunk version (that will be released pretty soon) and tell me if it does well for you.
Also please check that no posts are going out when a post is marked as Private. It would also be nice to be able to have a checkbox or something on the post form which will allow us to enable to disable the shorten2ping when updating or editing a post. Currently, I must deactivate the plugin when I want to do maintenance that must not go out.
trunk version works great!
Now I can edit my old posts without worrying about spamming my followers with old news.
@David: So one of your two feature request is done ;)
Thanks for the quick change – haven’t downloaded trunk yet – will do so later.
The recent change with old posts not being pinged if edited – it seems from comments that that logic only applies if the post was entered before shorten2ping was activated.
What about posts which are posted after the activation? I’d like to edit some posts without sending out a ping – minor edits, etc.
Is that possible yet?
Thanks in advance,
Marlin Forbes
You dont need to do that now. Shorten2Ping v1.1.1 was released yesterday, including that feature.
Previous versions (and latest) of the plugin never pinged AGAIN any post published after the activation of the plugin. So that wasn’t never a problem.
So from v1.1.1 the plugin avoids to ping again when editing previously pinged post or even when editing an old post not pinged before.
You can find more info in the readme file included.
twit versión 1.1.1 corriendo con enlaces a los post tál como quería , recomendado a todos los oyentes
Gracias Samuel
@mixside: me alegro de que te funcione bien ;)
Hello. I’m testing your plugin now. Nice approach. I have a suggestion. The meta data on the post that you add will be very easy to conflict namespaces. Meaning, the “pinged” and “short_url” meta data are name very generically.
Might I recommend that your metadata have a more isolated namespace. Perhaps “sh2ping_pinged” and “sh2ping_short_url”.
@Dale: Thanks for your comment.
Yes, I know. I considered that before released the plugin, and I think that is not so important at all.
Only a few plugins makes use of the custom fields, and in four years I have been using WordPress I had never use a plugin having those names for custom fields, so I dont think this is really a problem ;)
Changing the names now, will force to add more code to handle the change (for the ones that already used it and have many pinged post), and I think that it’s not necessary.
PS. I’ll reply your email very soon.
I have installed the latest version and I am not getting anything going out to ping.fm at all. I am not even getting any errors displayed when posting a new blog entry. It simply is not getting to ping.fm
Please help.
PHP: 5.2.9 on Windows 2003 server, running IIS 6
Curl has been added. I am not sure how to check if JSON is enabled.
@Bill: Ask your server admin if PHP was configured with JSON support. Anyway IIS is not the best choice for running WordPress and not supported by me (I dont have any server for testing)… All people I know using IIS and WP have always problems with a lot of plugins/themes.
So I’m sorry, but I cant help you.
Hey Samuel,
2 Questions for ya. Ive been looking for something like this a long time…
1)Can we choose posting groups from ping.fm, or will this ping any of the social networks we’ve set up? IE, I would like to only send updates via ping to twitter, and a few others, but not to facebook (which is also set up for me in ping). Do I have to remove facebook from the ping profile? It would be great if there was a way to ping different messages to “microblogging” vs. “status updates”, etc…
2)I think I can figure this out, but have you ever seen twitter-friendly-links wordpress plugin, and is there a way to get this to use that instead of the post URL, bit.ly, etc.. –
Thanks a bunch in advance. Appreciate the help.
Hi Mark :)
Shorten2Ping send status to Ping.fm, and Ping.fm will send this to all networks you have configured for status updates.
At present there is no way from Shorten2Ping to choose networks or switch to microblogging instead of status (maybe will add this last feature).
I had never heard about it until your comment.
Shorten2Ping is only a little plugin that I made for myself because wanted to use Ping.fm and a shortener providing stats. But I decided to release it just in case someone needs the same thing.
I dont want to add more and more features. So I think that if you like to use your own domain short post URL, it will be easier for you to ask that plugin author to add Ping.fm support ;)
[…] Shorten2Ping 更新服务插件 […]
Hi Samuel. Having a problem w/your plug-in. When posting to my blog, it sends the message New Blog Post – “” even though I have it set up to say New Blog Post – [title] – [link]. Andy idea why it isn’t grabbing the title and link?
@Dan Hutson: are you using WordPress 2.7 or newer? using PHP 5.x?. Can you see any custom field on the post you are trying to notify?. Give me more info about your system.
[…] to figure out this Twitter plugin for WordPress so I can use it… I’m checking out Shorten2Ping right now. Does anyone know about how that one works? I don’t even see any reference anywhere […]
Hi Samuel,
I have a WP 2.8 setup with your plugin installed. It works great with bit.ly and ping.fm, except for a small error: Whenever it posts to ping.fm, the quotation marks and apostrophes are turned into HTML code (i.e. ” and ’ ). This is then passed on to facebook, myspace, and twitter. Is this something on my end, or in your code?
@Andrew: I think that it’s a Ping.fm issue…
[…] 1.1.2 of Shorten2Ping is available for […]
Hi there.. m using shorten2ping for quite a time. its working flawlessly for me.
I wanted to make a feature request.
Can u add support for http://su.pr short url service. Its a new website from stumbleupon that lets you create short urls. they are also offering api.
For the time being they are offering new signups only thru invitation codes. If u need one, do let me know when i can send you one. Mail me at sujit[@]netsujit[.]com
@Sujit: I will consider it after checking the service. I’ll send an email for the invitation code just right now.
Samuel, thanks for the quick reply!
Is there anything we can do on our side to fix this? I use texts and Ubiquity to update Ping.fm and it doesn’t have a problem with converting quotes or apostrophes. Maybe this is an isolated incident with my setup; Does anyone else have the problem of quotes turning into HTML code?
@Andrew: I dont know… anyway, only the Ping.fm dashboard shows the html codes… on all the pinged services are fine.
When I publish an article I am getting this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /**removed root info**/wp-content/plugins/shorten2ping/shorten2ping.php on line 379
@Rob: You need CURL enabled on your PHP. That error message means that you dont. Ask to your hosting company.
Is it possible to not have Shorten2Ping announce new “Pages” ?
@David Jack Wange Olrik: Check the trunk version, it should not send notification for new published pages, only for posts ;)
@Samuel: Nice! – Works like a charm! – Thanks
@Samuel: It no longer announces pages, but it also not longer announces posts :-S
Uncommenting line 92 makes it work again, but unfortunately it also announces pages again….
@David Jack Wange Olrik: I’m sorry. I just modified that check, and now should work. In fact I made some test and works as expected. Check the trunk in a few minutes…
[…] 1.1.3 of Shorten2Ping is available for […]
Figured it out. Once I disabled the URL shortening option things started working correctly.
@Babs: It should be working if you meet all the requirements. If you fail to make the shortened url, then maybe you are missing the CURL or JSON requirement or have some limitation on your host. I’m running Shorten2Ping on many sites with the same configuration like you and all is working fine.
Anyway, if you have the [title] tag in your message (options page), it should work fine even if shortened url cant be done…
Without access to the site, I cant do more.
Hi there!!!
Let me mention again that… i have used many url shortening plugins for wordpress but shorten2ping is the most flawless and the fastest to process url and cross-post it. Its amazing.
I just wish, it supports Su.Pr shortening service too. But then again, its fine without it. ;)
forgot to ask what i had to.
i’ve got a small problem.
I wanted to show the shortened link in my post. So i used the code
And then inside the post it shows “Short URL” hyperlinked to the shorturl created at tr.im
What i want is… instead of “Short URL” i want to show the short url itself. How can i do that. What part of the code do i have to edit.
For eg, after inserting the code, the result is:
Short URL
But i want to show it this way:
How can i make the required modification? Please, someone guide me.
@Sujit: Thanks for your words ;)
I’m VERY busy just right now, but I promise you that when I have some time to look for the two requests that you made.
Sure Samuel…. please take your time… no hurry on this side. ;)
[…] the way… if you use my plugin, Shorten2Ping, remember to change your settings and choose bit.ly if you want to continue using shortened urls. […]
two things:
1)I noticed that ping.fm still shortened my urls even though i selected ‘none’ in your shorten2ping plugin. To get around this i disabled shortening within ping.fm however i think it would be best if the plugin put an * (asterisk) in front of the post permalink.
my goal is to have links to my website shown fully and links to random websites shortened.
2) it would be great to have some of the body or excerpt posted along with status update. Any possibility for future releases? pingpressfm did this but it is obsolete.
and your plugin is much cooler anyway :)
@Ian: I’ll take a look to the 1, and about the 2 I think that the title is enough. The goal is to send short messages that can be Twittered too.
Hi, I am having the same problem. Getting a “bitly_error” in the custom fields in WP (v2.8).
Hi, thanks for the plugin. It is so fast. Great plugin!
Nice plugin, works great, but I have two suggestions that I hope you can look at…
It seems to have trouble reposting titles with apostrophes in it. They always come out as html codes (&284; or something).
It would be great to be able to repost more than 140 characters and include the body text. Most of my stuff is a little longer and I repost mainly to FriendFeed and Facebook and they can handle some more content.
Think that might be doable for a future release?
Would it be nice to send to notify ping.fm only the category we choose? so it won’t notify ping.fm all the post. It only notifies the post in certain category we choose.
@duratia: It would be nice yes, but like I said in the plugin readme, I want to keep the plugin simple. So I’m not planning to add more features rather than supporting new shortener services and maybe adding hellotxt.com support.
[…] 1.2 of Shorten2Ping is available for […]
Plugin souds good!
I will give it a try..
Good plug-in, works in 2.8.4. One question, is it possible to configure it to work with the Pretty Link URL shortening plug-in?
Tell you what would be a killer feature: an inbuilt URL shortener that uses the blog’s own domain.
Thanks for the plug-in.
@Dion: Thanks!
I’m not planning to add support for that plugin. About the inbuilt shortener. Shorten2Ping 1.2 already have an option to choose own domain for shorts permalinks. The ‘Self domain’ option makes short links using the post ID instead of pretty permalink, that should be enough and is safe to use (short links will work always!, no shortener dependence).
I’m trying to use your plugin because it seems wonderful, but I receive the following error whenever I try to save my settings:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/blog.emalee.me/wp-content/plugins/shorten2ping/shorten2ping.php on line 277
Dear Samual,
I seem to be getting this error when I try to configure your plugin. I am using bit.ly and choosing to update Twitter and Ping.fm.
I have also tried to just update Ping.fm with the same result. Twitter login info, Bit.ly and Ping FM APIs are all correct.
When adding the info It states ‘settings saved’ but then no information is saved and the error appears.
Any help would be great. Thanks heaps. :) By the way, the plugin looks great, hope to get it sorted out soon.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/username/public_html/website.com/wp-content/plugins/shorten2ping/shorten2ping.php on line 277
@Emalee and SlrDigitalCameras: Wich version of PHP are you using?
Hi Samuel, I am using It is php 5.2, hostgator.
@SlrDigitalCameras: I think that could be related to your hosting PHP configuration… I have the plugin running on many sites (and different hosting providers) with PHP 5.2.x and no problem….
Anyway I made some little changes, you can try to download the trunk version and see if that is working fine for you. (Keep me informed please).
I think, having only certain category pinged is basic, maybe some people don’t want to share (using ping.fm) all post. People may still want to set their privacy. Maybe you can consider this feature in the next version, but still your plugin is great. Thank you.
I’m using PHP5 FastCGI and I’m hosted through DreamHost. I believe CURL is enabled, but I couldn’t find if JSON was or not. Trunk version didn’t work for me. :/
Thank you so much for doing what you can to help.
Hi Samual,
Sorry to say that I am still receiving the below error after overwriting the old php file with the new one you provided.
Would information should I ask the host?
Thanks for your help :)
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/username/public_html/website.com/wp-content/plugins/shorten2ping/shorten2ping.php on line 271
Hi Samuel,
With the truck version not working, what do you think the next step to take in getting this resolved would be? Is there anything I can do by contacting my host?
@SlrDigitalCameras and @Emalee: Ok, I found the problem and should be fixed now on Shorten2Ping 1.2.1 (available in a few minutes from the extend repository). Thank you both for reporting the bug.
By the way…
@SlrDigitalCameras and @Emalee:
You must delete old wrong settings from you db.
1. Deactivate Shorten2Ping from the plugins menu.
2. Use PhpMyadmin to go to your wp_options table.
3. Remove shorten2ping_options.
4. Activate the plugin again.
After that it should be working.
Good New :) No errors when saving info now, will try out posting tomorrow, sure it is going to work fine. I had one more question about the template “[title]” – [link]
Is [title] the title of the post and [link] the Permalink?
Thanks for the awesome support Samuel, how can I send a donation?
@SlrDigitalCameras: Yes, that is. You’re welcome ;) I have updated the post with some donate link. Thank you in advance.
Hi Samuel,
I cant find the donate link , it is not showing in WP hoping to find it so I can donate :) I have tested the plugin and it is going to Twitter and Ping.fm nicely without choosing to shorten with bit.ly.
If I choose not to shorten the link with bit.ly it does not seem to work, (not a huge issue in my case). I have not tried any of the other shortening services.
Secondly, it would be great if the plugin could send posts after they have been ‘edited or updated’ as well as when ‘published’, just a suggestion for later updates.
Thanks again, the support has been 5 star.
@SlrDigitalCameras: There is a donate button at the end of this post, cant you see it? really?. Maybe you’re using some firefox extension or some similar to remove ads or anything?.
Some users reported that sometimes is needed to reset the API key for Bit.ly, dont know why but seems a Bit.ly problem not my plugin.
About sending again a previous published post when edited, is not a feature that I like to add and based on feedback 99% of users dont like to do that, but if you want to do it’s so easy. Simply after editing your post, change the post status to draft, save, and then press publish button again. The plugin will notify your edited post ;)
Hi. I love the plug-in. I’ve been using it with bit.ly for Facebook integration for a while now.
My problem is I want to start using su.pr and I don’t like their WP plug-in and according to them, the FB should be able to publish to fan pages, but it does not. So after trying to find a solution, I realized you already support su.pr
Unfortunately, when I switch to su.pr from bit.ly, I get no URLs. The API is correct. I’ve even tried to change the API, but when it posts to FB, it only puts in the text and not the URL.
Any ideas? thank you.
@Brad: can you see any custom field on the edit post page with the name “supr_error” and any content?. If the API returns some error, it should be stored there.
@Samuel Actually, it appears to be getting and populating the URL just fine: short_url contains http://su.pr/2K1dC7 but what goes to ping.fm is just the title, no URL. at least that’s what got posted (see testing entry at http://fb.stitchkingdom.com) bit.ly works fine, but su.pr doesn’t pass the URL
I solved the problem, there’s a bug in the code. In the make_supr function, the return is:
return $json[‘results’][$url][‘shortUrl’];
when it should be:
return $json[‘results’][$post_url][‘shortUrl’];
Thank you for the support and great plugin.
@Brad: You’re right, thank you for the bug report! ;)
Shorten2Ping 1.2.4 fixes that bug.
I can’t get your plugin to work. I’ve typed my bit.ly user ID and api, and my ping.fm api, and it doesn’t send to ping.fm.
I have tested the connection from ping.fm to twitter and it works fine. Nothing shows up on bit.ly either. I’m trying to find out if JSON is supported on my server
The website is drunkonpolitics.com
Can you please help?
@Eric: check the custom fields of the post and tell me if you see any error message on a custom field. ask your hosting provider if you have php error reporting enabled… if not, enable it.
shorten2ping is very stable and easy to start, if you meet the requirements it MUST work.
@Samuel: Error reporting is enabled, and I see no errors. JSON was not enabled in my previous post, but it has since been installed
json support enabled
json version 1.2.1
@Eric: I’m so sorry, but if you cant provide me an error to debug, I cant help you.
If JSON was disabled, maybe other requirements are disabled too… good luck!
From now on support for Shorten2Ping is moved to WordPress forums.
If you have any trouble, please, post a new topic at WordPress forums and tag it with shorten2ping tag.
I’m subscribed to that tag by rss, so I will see your post.
Comments on this post will be closed just right now.
[…] 1.2.8 of Shorten2Ping is available for download since some hours […]
[…] 1.3 of Shorten2Ping is available for […]
[…] 5Shorten2Ping – Allows you to update status at Ping.fm or Twitter whenever a new blog entry is published. […]
[…] Shorten2Ping => sebagai alat bantu untuk menyebarkan melalui PING.FM dan juga pemendek URL. […]
[…] Shorten2Ping: Uses your Ping.fm account to notify other social networking services that you’ve made a new post. […]
[…] see when you’ve posted something on your blog I’d highly recommend using Shorten2Ping (here). In short this will let the website Ping.fm know that you’ve posted a new entry and in turn […]
[…] 1.4.1 of Shorten2Ping is available for […]
[…] Shorten2Ping […]
[…] I upgraded the WordPress plugin Shorten2Ping which I will continue to pimp as long as it keeps working so well. Of course I like my post tweets […]
[…] Telepítsd fel és aktiváld be a Shorten2Ping nevű plugint, amit innen tudsz letölteni: http://www.samuelaguilera.com/archivo/shorten2ping-notifies-pingfm-bitly.xhtml Ennek nagy előnye a többi hasonló pluginnel szemben, hogy tényleg csak akkor küld ki […]
[…] Shorten2Ping Sebagai alat bantu untuk menyebarkan artikel melalui PING.FM dan juga pemendek tautan. […]
[…] Tomorrow is the deadline set by Twitter to stop allowing any other auth method than OAuth for third party apps, that includes WordPress plugins like Shorten2Ping. […]
[…] post links that I had added daily. And to announce to the world there was a new post I added the Shorten2Ping plugin that sends to Twitter (and […]
[…] gets even better. Using a mix of the bit.ly API and a (rockin’) plugin called Shorten2Ping by Samuel Aguilera you can have your new posts automatically posted through ping.fm using your personal (and I’m […]
[…] amazing to say the least. I rely on a number of plugins to publish this weblog, but none more than Shorten2Ping by Samuel […]
[…] se lo debo, principalmente, a Shorten2Ping, un plugin que publiqué en mayo de 2009 y que he ido actualizando y mejorando hasta hace muy […]