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Samuel Aguilera Posts

Using conditional logic in Gravity Forms to check if a field is empty or not

Using Gravity Forms conditional logic you can show or hide fields based on values of previously filled fields, determine when to use a form confirmation or notification and also when a feed is fired or not (e.g. Stripe, PayPal, MailChimp, etc…).

In certain use cases what you really want to check is not a concrete value but if the field is just empty, no value entered, or the opposite, if it contains any value.

Doing this it’s very easy and I would say obvious. But despite this, it’s very common to see people wondering how to do this.

All you need to do is to use the is or is not operators and leave empty the input for the value in your condional logic rule! :)

Beware creating backups of wp-config.php

Have you ever renamed a PHP file in your WordPress installation appending a .bak or .old or something like that to the end of the filename? If your answer is yes, you may be exposing your site to a severe security risk.

Altering the name of a .php file as described above means your server is not going to process the file as a PHP file anymore, the server will allow a visitor to download or open the file as a plain text file. Therefore someone trying to find vulnerabilities in your site would be able to read the contents of your renamed PHP files.

If the renamed file doesn’t contain any sensitive data, it’s just code, maybe it’s not something to worry about, but if you did that to an important file of your WordPress, as the wp-config.php file, you’re allowing a potential attacker to know very sensitive data. And yeah, that’s something to be really worried about!

Reply-To field ignored by email client

In this article I’ll try to give you an easy view of what’s the Reply-To field, and a common issue that you may find specifically if you’re using Gmail/G Suite as email client, althought you can find userful information also if you’re experiencing this issue with any other email client.

What’s the Reply-To field?

Its name explain by itself, it’s a field where you put an email address that should be used to reply the email. An extended version of the field name would be “reply to this address not to the one in the from address!”.

Do you want a more technical explanation? Ok, per RFC 5322, the technical document that sets the starndard for emails, the Reply-To field is part of the originator fields for an email and:

When the “Reply-To:” field is present, it
indicates the address(es) to which the author of the message suggests
that replies be sent. In the absence of the “Reply-To:” field,
replies SHOULD by default be sent to the mailbox(es) specified in the
“From:” field unless otherwise specified by the person composing the

Pay attention to the word suggests in the above quote from the RFC document, it’s important. That means your email client is not required to follow your indication.

How to use it?

Just put whatever valid email address(es) you want on it. That’s all buddy! No special setup needed, no magic, it’s just another field of the email message where you put an email address, just like the From or the To fields.

This means an important thing. It doesn’t matter what you’re using to create the email, it can be an email client, a WordPress plugin or whatever, as long as the email created by the software you’re using has the email address you wanted in the Reply-To field, its job is done. If your email client is not using the Reply-To address, that’s a completely different story.

Casilla para política de privacidad en Gravity Forms

Tener una casilla de aceptación de la política de privacidad en un formulario ya sea de contacto o de suscripción a un boletín es algo que ya era obligado para cumplir con las leyes de protección de datos vigentes en España.

Pero con la inminente entrada en vigor de los cambios a nivel europeo (la llamada GDPR), los que no la tenían se están animando a ponerla ahora…

Hacer esto en Gravity Forms es muy sencillo, pero si no tienes tienes mucha experiencia en el uso de Gravity Forms o sencillamente nunca lo has usado y te preguntas como te podría ayudar Gravity Forms con este tema, sigue leyendo y saldrás de dudas.

Formularios supervitaminados con Gravity Forms

Este pasado fin de semana estuve dando una pequeña charla en WordCamp Zaragoza sobre casos de uso habituales con Gravity Forms. El objetivo de mi charla era mostrar a los asistentes algunas de las cosas que se pueden hacer con este plugin, ya que a pesar de que su nombre es muy conocido entre el público español, no lo son tanto sus capacidades.

© 2007-2025 Samuel Aguilera